You’ve gotten a new assignment: you’re required to read a primary text, cite 3 secondary sources, and write an analytical paper with introduction, thesis, supporting arguments and a conclusion.
On my fifth anniversary I would like to get 250,000 views per month, which would mean I would be making $500 a month just on page views alone. I know that’s a lofty goal, but it sure would be nice!
Another very important thing about selecting a research paper topic is to ensure that it is neither too narrow nor too broad. This is a very important point that you realize when you actually start writing your paper. I was looking for research paper on the web and and hundreds of others popped up. It is so because when you choose a broad topic, it is easy to be beleaguered by too much information. You will have to make a decision about what to pick and what to leave out.
A simple way of directing readers attention is through the use of bold headings. Bold headings create a simple yet elegant separation between ideas. Good headings should summarize what is being talked about, so that if a reader isn’t interested they can just skip to the next bold heading. Writing perfect articles for the internet would be impossible without the efficient use of bold heading.
You may get bogged down in all of the aspects of constructing your paper, but there are really only three things you should be concerned with: finding your argument, making your case, and organizing your supporting evidence.
Well, as with most bachelor programs, there are a number of “elective” courses that you can take. In the case of getting your bachelor degree in marketing, you’d probably want to take a course or two in psychology. Why? It’s probably a good idea to get a basic understanding of how people behave if you’re going to try to come up with a marketing plan or advertising campaign that is going to appeal to most people.
After you finally do get your bachelor degree in marketing, there are a world of opportunities open to the creative mind. Get ready for a very exciting life.